Angka Keramat Lokasi Togel Syair Hk
March 5, 2025

Diedra Creary

Industry Leading

SharePoint Disaster Recovery And Business Continuity: The Cornerstones Of Staying Resilient


In the world of technology, the word “disaster” is almost synonymous with “data loss.” The truth is that disasters can happen at any time, and they can be natural or man-made. We’ve seen companies that have been destroyed by floods, tornadoes and earthquakes; we’ve also seen others who have been brought down by cyber attacks, power outages and data loss events. No matter what type of organization you work for—public or private sector—it’s important to develop a disaster recovery plan so that your business stays resilient in the face of disaster.

For a business to be successful, it has to be resilient.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from a crisis, recover quickly when faced with one and recover from disruptions. It’s also the ability to bounce back after a disaster has occurred. For example, if you were caught in an earthquake and your building collapsed around you, resilience would help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible so that work could resume or even begin again in another location.

In this section we’ll look at how SharePoint Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity can help build resilience into your organization by providing:

  • protection against data loss;
  • rapid restoration of critical systems;
  • enhanced system availability

Disaster recovery is the process of recovering your data and systems.

Disaster recovery is the process of recovering your data and systems. It’s a subset of business continuity management, which is in turn a subset of information security. The goal of disaster recovery is to ensure that your organization can continue operations as quickly as possible after any kind of disaster has occurred.

Disaster recovery strategies vary based on the type and severity of incident, but they all share common elements:

  • Planning – You need to plan for various types of disasters before they happen; this includes defining what constitutes an emergency (e.g., fire) versus non-emergencies (e.g., power outage). Once you have this information documented, you can begin designing an appropriate response strategy based on its definition in relation to other events happening around it–for example, if there was another major fire nearby at another facility then both might suffer damage simultaneously so having multiple means available would allow them each access one another’s backup services without having any downtime whatsoever

Business continuity is when you are able to actually recover.

Business continuity is the ability of an organization to continue operating in a normal manner after a disaster.

In other words, business continuity is not just about recovering data and getting your systems back online–it’s also about being able to continue operations so that you can deliver your products or services to customers.

Disasters can be natural or man-made, but they can all have severe consequences for organizations.

Disasters can be natural or man-made, but they can all have severe consequences for organizations. Natural disasters include floods, earthquakes and fires. Man-made disasters include plane crashes, terrorist attacks and computer viruses.

A disaster could happen anywhere at any time — at your office or in your home office — so it’s important to plan ahead by having a disaster recovery strategy in place before anything happens. Your business continuity plan should cover both technical issues (such as computers breaking down) as well as non-technical issues (such as people being unable to get into work).

Natural disasters include floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and wildfires.

Natural disasters are one of the most common threats to your business. They can cause significant damage to your employees and property, including buildings, infrastructure and data. Natural disasters include floods, earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes. Other natural disasters include wildfires and winter storms that hit areas experiencing extreme temperatures such as blizzards or ice storms.

Natural disasters are caused by a variety of factors including climate change and human error; they can destroy buildings and infrastructure if you don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place beforehand. For example: if you’re located in an area prone to flooding during heavy rainfall (like New York City), then it’s important for you to have a backup plan in case flooding occurs during business hours so that employees can continue working remotely until repairs are completed on site – this could take days!

Man-made disasters include cyber attacks, power outages and data loss events.

  • Man-made disasters: Cyber attacks, power outages and data loss events are all man-made. These are some of the most common disasters that can affect your business.
  • Cyber attacks: Cyber crime is a growing threat to businesses large and small, with many companies falling victim every year. While there’s no way to completely protect yourself against cyber criminals, you can take steps to minimize your organization’s risk by implementing security measures such as firewalls or antivirus software on computers used by staff members who have access to sensitive information.

It’s also important to educate employees about best practices when using company resources online; this includes avoiding clicking links sent via email without first verifying their validity (which can be done simply by hovering over the link), keeping track of passwords so they aren’t shared between multiple accounts–especially personal ones–and updating those passwords regularly (ideally every 90 days).

If a disaster could happen at any moment and anywhere, then it becomes extremely important that businesses develop plans for resiliency.

Business continuity is the process of recovering your data and systems after a disaster. Disaster recovery is just one piece of this; it’s important, but it doesn’t tell you how to actually recover from the disaster itself.

If a disaster could happen at any moment and anywhere, then it becomes extremely important that businesses develop plans for resiliency–that is, being able to recover without additional resources or time spent on recovery efforts after an event has happened.

The most important thing about backup storage is that it needs to be offsite from your main location.

The most important thing about backup storage is that it needs to be offsite from your main location. If you have a disaster and your data center goes down, the last thing you want to do is try to recover from a backup that isn’t accessible because of damage or destruction at the same location as your primary systems.

That said, there are two types of offsite backup storage: secondary and tertiary. Secondary storage backups should be located in a separate geographic area from both primary and tertiary copies of your data–ideally somewhere between 100 miles (160 km) and 500 miles (800 km) away from each other. Tertiary backups should be even further away–at least 1,000 miles (1,600 km).

If all this sounds complicated…well…it can be! That’s why we’ve created our own infographic on what makes up an effective disaster recovery plan so you can make sure you’re covered no matter what happens next time around!


There are many other ways to protect your data and recover from disaster, but these three are the most important things to keep in mind. You need to make sure that your backup storage is offsite from your main location, so that if something happens at one place it doesn’t take down both places at once. Also make sure that you have regular backups because if there are no older versions of files available when disaster strikes then everything could be lost forever! Finally, make sure that all employees know what they’re doing in case something goes wrong; whether they have been trained or not doesn’t matter as long as they understand how important it is for them not panic during an emergency situation | Newsphere by AF themes.